3 Steps You Can Take to Stay Safe From Scams

While it’s always important to stay vigilant regarding your personal information, recently, scammers have become more active. We’re sharing a few steps you can take to stay safe and keep your information secure.

Be Careful About Giving Information Over the Phone

When someone calls you claiming to be from the government, a company you use, or even Western State Bank, be alert. If they ask for important personal information related to your bank account, social security number, or anything else that could be used against you, ask them to call back at a publically listed number.

Any legitimate caller will be happy to let you do this, and you should be able to reach them through a number listed on their website or legitimate documents.

Use Traditional Forms of Payment

A common tactic for scammers is to ask for immediate payment in the form of gift cards or Bitcoin. Don’t pay bills using these methods. Scammers use them because they are harder to trace.

Legitimate organizations accept and sometimes prefer, traditional payments, so if you’re asked to pay in gift cards or Bitcoin it should be a red flag. If you’re ever concerned, remember to call the organization back at a publicly listed number or reach out through a channel you know is legitimate.

Pay Attention to Links Before You Click

When you see something interesting on social media, in your email inbox, or anywhere else online, be careful before you click. Scammers use enticing offers to capture personal information and steal information.

Scammers also make convincing versions of websites and emails. Before you enter anything, check the URL of the website or email address of the sender to make sure it’s legitimate. If you want to make sure you’re on the correct website or communicating with a legitimate email address, check the organization’s URL and email address through channels of communication you trust (such as going directly to their website in a new browser window).

Check out related articles on our website for additional security tips and reminders.